Lack of Posts

I'm a kid, okay? Posts may be infrequent because of the having of a teenage life.

Aug 4, 2011

Perhaps a New Direction is Needed

What if I've been going about life all wrong? Thinking about it in the wrong way?

I've always seemed to say to myself that my life is better because.....

I don't drink a beer on a weekday, and it keeps me out of trouble.

I don't often cavort with the fairer sex, and I avoid problems.

I stay out of trouble, so people see me as straightlaced.


I think I'm wrong. Maybe I shouldn't avoid problems. Maybe I should embrace them. Maybe, just maybe, they'll make life more worth living.

Feb 16, 2011

Culturally Biased

It's only fair. I want to be wired in to the It's Academic buzzers.....

Feb 13, 2011

Feb 10, 2011

Inside the Secret Service

Whatever they show in the movies isn't even close to reality.

Slow Motion?

Some of this video looks like it was artificially slowed. There's no way a model plane could get airborne while barely moving forwards, is there? Yes, actually there is.
Look at the craftsmanship of the hollow parts made out of hand-rolled balsa veneer. It's about as light as wood can get and still be wood.